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In automotive E/E development, you encounter numerous – even diverging – expectations, requirements, regulations, standards, and activities, for example, project management, configuration management, on the one hand, Automotive SPICE®, functional safety, cybersecurity, SOTIF, and user experience on the other hand. We integrate all these activities across your product lifecycle, taking into account their perspectives. With 'Automotive integrated Development', you dispose of a blueprint of an integrated E/E development.
In our interview with Christian Hertneck, you will learn how to take advantage of the blueprint for an integrated development lifecycle to ensure transparency and always perform the required activities at the right time.
Automotive SPICE® has become the de facto industry standard for developing automotive electronics. By using this reference model you can systematically improve your processes and assess the status of your projects. To develop mechatronic systems on an integrated basis, there are also extensions for these domains.
To shield connected vehicles from external attacks and protect vehicle infrastructures, you need to install end-to-end safeguards that address all factors with a bearing on vehicle cybersecurity: the product itself, processes and IT systems.
Applying the principles of functional safety allows you to avoid malfunctions occurring in electronic systems that might have a bearing on vehicle safety and present a hazard to people. ISO 26262:2018 is the recognized method for doing this.
Agility refers to the ability of a company to adapt to changing parameters in such a way that it is always ready to react if there is a change in customer requirements. We help you become agile, step by step.
The AiD blueprint also includes indispensable systems engineering virtues, from project management and quality assurance to configuration management.
CMMI® is an established reference model, offering you a structured approach that is not just useful when enhancing and controlling how you develop or procure software, but also when improving and managing hardware, mechatronic systems and services.